Sunday, October 30, 2016

Watershed Equipment Research.

The equipment that I have chosen to highlight is Wikipedia. As we all know, when researching a topic , one of the first hits that comes up on any search is the Wikipedia page, making a great opportunity to highlight your watershed or your subject of interest.  My watershed, the Monocacy, did not have a specific page for it, but there is a page for the Monocacy River, that can be updated from my research so far.   My first attempt at an edit, inserting the size of the watershed, was accepted.

Many of us remember when Wikipedia started and anyone could edit the data and often did, since then the requirements for positing information have become much more rigorous.  While you can start a new Wiki page for your watershed, I safe and opted to edit a relevant page, the Monocacy River.

The process:

In order to edit  or create a page it is recommended that you first create an account, similar to any program, with a user name and password.

How you format your submission counts.  Wikipedia wants to be an online encyclopedia, requiring entries to be factual, well documented, and noteworthy. 

 For new pages, Wikipedia has an article wizard that helps format your submission. When using the wizard template or creating on your own, it is recommended that you start with a drat document in the area called “the sand box. “ This allows your work to be reviewed before it is posted on the page, and allows you to submit it for review, creating a dialog between you and other editors, to ensure that your work does not get deleted due to formatting or content requirements.

If you submit a draft, you will get comments back on how to fix it , or it will be posted as a live view on the website.   If you post directly to the web, or “live” your post may be removed if  deemed inappropriate, and there are limited times you can repost  items before you get blocked out.

Wikipedia has a page called the tea house, which is an open forum for writers, and editors to discuss development of pages or issues with posting. So far it has been a very welcoming platform.

The Rule of submittal  include, do not violate copy write laws, use your own words, subject should be notable, (have significant coverage that are independent of the subject), neutral in tone, avoids puffery, can be verified,  and meets style guidelines. (Wikipedia, 2016)

Based on my success on my initial post, it was accepted, I intend to continue updating the page with the relevant information that  have collected for the watershed or that I uncover in future  investigations for the class.

Wikipedia, (2016), Wikipedia: Tutorial/Editing, Accessed from

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Migration of plants into watershed due to climate change

Bald Cypress (Taxodium distichum)

I present the Bald Cypress as a species that may be migrating into the watershed. The watershed is currently at the northern reaches of the habitat, but may move northward into the watershed to become a keystone species in the watershed.

The Bald Cypress is a deciduous confer with a slow growth rate , but has been commercially harvested for its rot resistance  for  use as fencing floors and cabinetry.  Harvesting has been reduced due to the slow rejuvenation stands, and the diminished number of trees available for harvesting.

As a pneumatophore, the tree grows from horizontal roots just below the water surface with shoots above the water line that are suspected to bring air to the drowned root structure.


Bark: Brown Gray with a stringy texture
Growth: Slow growing tree that can reaches heights of 120’
  • Provides forage for turkeys, wood ducks, water birds and squirrels; 
  • Traps sediment and nutrients in root structure; 
  • Mitigates flood waters, erosion control. ( NWF, 2016)


NWF, (2016), National Wildlife Federation, Wildlife Library, Bald Cypress Accessed from:

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Invasive plants of the region.

As we look at the watershed an added challenge is how to deal with invasive species some of which have been in the system for almost 100yrs, as we look to eradicate them,  and replace with native species, we need to take into account their place in the ecosystem that we have. Do they have a significant role in supporting the watersheds ecosystem, have they changed the ecosystem, in a way that it is now dependent on the services of the invasive species.   Things to consider.

Callery Pear (Pyrus calleryana)

 Dan Tenaglia,,


Introduced in 1916 to develop fire blight resistance in production pear trees, was widely used for root stock.
1950- became a popular ornamental tree that once established forms dense thickest that push out other species

Growth: 20-30’ tall
Leaves: Simple broad-Ovate, 1-3” in length, shiny dark green in color.
Bark:  light brown with scaly ridges

Treatment: cut trees and treat with herbicide, or manual remove root systems. (NPS,2016)

Fun fact: smells like rotting fish .

Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus altissima)

Introduced by a Pennsylvania gardener in 1748 and made commercially available by 1840.  Threatens agricultural and natural ecosystems due to prolific seed production and establishment of dense stands that push out native plants. (NPS,2016b)

Karan A. Rawlins, University of Georgia,

Contains chemicals that can be herbicidal to other plants to help establish and spread its footprint in an area.

Growth: up to 70’
Bark: smooth pale gray, wood is soft/weak course grained
Leaves: compound 1-4 ft long with 11-25 smaller leaflets with teeth near the base.

Mitigation: cut in early summer when demand for food is highest for tree growth, and then repeat frequently to reduce threat of re-occurrence. Use herbicide as needed.   (NPS, 2016b)

Phragmites  (Phragmites australis)

Phragmites is a species that comes to mind when discussing invasive species and wetlands. Interestingly enough, there are both native species of this reed  and the introduced European  variation introduced in the late 18th and early 19th century through transfer of ballast material from European ships.  The European variety has established itself  in freshwater and brackish marshes, river edges, shores, ponds, roadsides, and disturbed areas and out competes native vegetation through prolific seeding, and rhizomes that run up to 10’ per year to creating a multicultural stand with limited ecological benefit.

Description:  Known as Common reed, Phragmites, is a tall Perennial grass that grows to heights of 15’, Has leaves that are usually 1- 1.5 in wide, and a fluffy panicle at the top due to the hairs on the seeds.(NPS, 2016 c)

Photo ©2006 Susan Vincent

Uses: Young reeds can be used for grazing, but older reads can be grazed, but are lacking in nutrition and potentially for cellulose production for biofuel. 
Management:  Over graze, mow repeatedly, prescribed burning, excavation and herbicides.

Parrot Feather (Myriophylleum aquaticum)

Parrot Feather is another long term invasive species originating in South America , with the first identification being reported in the 1890’s.  A water borne plant it forms a surficial mat, blocking sunlight from algae in the water column below, disrupting the food chain, and is a preferred habitat for mosquito larvae. (NPS, 2016 d)

John M. Randall, TNC from:

Description: Aquatic plant, suspended in the water column with  well developed finely pinnately leaves

Habitat: freshwater slow moving water bodies, prefers alkaline and high-nutrient environments

Propagates: vegetatively, through whole plants or fragments, usual by human or animal transportation.

Uses: Aquarium ornamental

Mitigation: Currently none (NPS, 2016d)


Maryland, (2016), Maryland Manual On-Line, A guide to Maryland & its Government, Maryland at a glance, State Symbols, accessed from:

National Park Service, (2016), Mid Atlantic Alien Plants, Trees, Callery Pear, Accessed from:

National Park Service, (2016b), Mid Atlantic Alien Plants, Trees, Tree of Heaven Accessed from:

National Park Service, (2016c), Plant Conservation Alliance’s Alien Plant Working  Group, Least Wanted, Common Reed, Accessed from:

National Park Service, (2016c), Aquatic Plants, Parrot-Feather,  Accessed from:

USDA, (2016), United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service , Plant Fact Sheet, White Oak, Accessed from:

USDA, (2016a), United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service , Plant Fact Sheet, Red Maple, Accessed from :

USDA, (2016b), United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service , Plant Fact Sheet, Broad-Leaved Cattail, Accessed from :

USDA, (2016c), United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service , Plant Fact Sheet, Silver Maple, Accessed from :

Wildflower. Org,(2016), Lady Bird Johnson, Wild Flower Center, University of Texas at Austin, Accessed from:

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Silver Maple

Silver Maple  (Acer saccharinum L.)

Similar to the red maple in its preferential soils , and is typically found in riparian buffer zones, is quick to establish, and grows quite rapidly.  Its brittle nature, lends it to be a good source of snags and litter along stream beds. Will out perform other species at a early age in replanting, but is preferable to the box elder which develops quickly but has a quicker life span. (USDA 2016 c)

Grows 50-60-‘

Bark is silver, scaly and irregular, often pealing
Leaves are typically 3-5” in size with 5 lobs separated by deep and narrow sinues,

Uses: ornamental, forest buffer, provides food for wild birds, is a candidate for bio-fuel cultivation due to quick growth and high BTU ratings. (USDA, 2016)

Monday, October 24, 2016

Broad-Leaved Cattail

When we start to look at riparian and wetland plants the line between native and invasive species starts to get blurred.  With the right conditions some native plants will take over an ecosystem on of those plants is the common Cattail.

Cattail ( Typha Latifolia L. )
 The cattail, is your stereotypical wetland identifier in North America, and although is a native cultivation, it can be an aggressive species that thrives in nutrient rich environments which also lends it as a secondary or tertiary treatment option for some waste waters.  During hydrological, nutrient or saline quality changes, can overpower other less durable native species and create a monotypic stands.

Description: Herbaceous, rhizomatous perennials with long slender green stalks topped with brown fluffy, sausage-shaped heads

Grows to heights of 6 ft.

Cattail, Photo by Kelly,P (2015)
Uses: All parts are edible at various growth points:

  • ·      Young shoots can be used for pickling or as replacement for cabbage
  • ·      Base of rhizome can be boiled like potatoes
  • ·      Young flower stalks can be boiled or steamed like corn
  • ·      Pollen can be used as a flour substitute with bright yellow or green coloring
Management Techniques:

  • ·      Heavy Grazing
  • ·      Mow plants before maturation, and again when new growth is 2-3 feet high typically results in approx. 75% reduction of population.
  • ·      Physical removal

(USDA, 2016b )

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Watershed Alliance update:

Previously when talking about the Monocacy Catocotin Alliance, I mentioned that they were involved in the planning for the State of Maryland’s Nutrient Trading program.  I found a great resource to help identify potential sellers and buyers for credits.  The EPA is congressionally mandated to preform a Clean Watersheds Needs Survey which provides a comprehensive assessment of the capital costs needs to meat the water quality goals of the clean water act and collects data from:
  • ·      All Publicly owned wastewater collection and treatment facilities
  • ·      Stormwater and combined sewer overflow facilities
  • ·      Some non-point source projects
  • ·      Decentralized wastewater management projects

The reports are available here and are a really good source of data as they are essentially a census for the nations water treatment plants.